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Quick Poll Results Endodontics

The standard treatment recommended for permanent teeth that are restorable but have irreversible pulpitis, is root canal therapy. Emerging evidence from randomized controlled trials suggest that, when the apical tissues are normal, pulpotomy with tricalcium silicate-based cements could be a successful and more economical intervention. A Quick Poll sought to learn more about these issues to guide further research on endodontics. A total of 416 practitioners answered the poll. The results revealed that:

  • 52% diagnosed irreversible pulpitis in 1 to 5 patients per month, 25% in 6 to 10 patients, and 23% in 10 or more patients.
  • As expected, the majority of practitioners selected root canal therapy (77%) as a common strategy for the management of irreversible pulpitis, with about half selecting it as the single most common strategy (43%).
  • Approximately half of the practitioners used pulpotomy as part of their practice (55%); and 20% included pulpotomy as one of the most common clinical management strategies for irreversible pulpitis with normal apical tissues.
  • Pulpotomy with tricalcium silicate-based cements such as MTA, Biodentine® and EndoSequence Root Repair Material® is a treatment option being employed by 19.5% of the practitioners surveyed.
  • 48% of practitioners were in favor of pulpotomy as a definitive procedure, and 69% of practitioners felt that their patients would be in favor of this procedure.

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