Our latest Quick Poll results Participants shows Network dentists are driven by their dedication to improving patient care and keeping up with the latest clinical advancements. However, they face challenges such as time constraints and difficulties with patient recruitment.

At the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN), we are dedicated to serving those in the dental community by conducting dental research, quick polls, and more. We investigate research questions and share experiences and expertise with one another to embrace practical science for the benefit of everyone, from dental professionals to patients and communities.
Many dentist’s offices are now open, but the lingering effects of COVID-19 are still present. Through a quick poll, we studied the effects of COVID-19 in dentistry. Let’s take a look at how COVID has affected the way in which we practice dentistry.
The Benefits of a Quick Poll
The Network’s Quick Poll is a simple research tool that allows us to collect feedback from and about our members and other dental colleagues. These polls are easy to use and a quick way to ask questions and receive answers that benefit those in the dental profession everywhere. Quick polls offer a variety of benefits, such as:
- Collecting information about dental topics
- Gaining member feedback to improve our member services and research processes
- Identifying the research topics our members wants
- Gathering information we may use for planning future studies
- Understanding oral healthcare needs of patients from the perspective of practitioners
- Understanding why practitioners are more inclined to provide certain dental services
- Determining practitioner expectations and needs.
Recent Quick Poll: COVID-19 in Dentistry
In this poll, we gathered insights on how dental practices are adapting to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 509 practitioners responded to this poll about the changes made to their clinics since returning to in-person care, their levels of concern about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) supply levels, and more.
To mitigate the transmission of COVID-19, dental practices everywhere have made multiple changes to their process of care. One of the largest changes that has impacted dentistry is the use of additional PPE. By introducing different kinds of equipment for everyone within the clinic, costs have increased.
While many dental offices are now open, many practitioners reported they had a reduced number of appointments as well as longer visits for each patient. Many offices are transitioning to fewer appointments within the day, but longer individual appointments so patient care is exceptionally safe.
Looking to the future, most practitioners said that less than a quarter of their patients were apprehensive about returning to the dental office after reopening for elective dental procedures. These responses from the quick poll illustrate that patients seeking dental care are confident in the adjustments made by dental offices to keep them safe. The future for dentistry, post-pandemic, is very bright!
Become a Member: How to Participate in a Quick Poll
Through our membership program, you gain access to networking opportunities, participation in clinical studies, free continuing education credit, partake in clinical studies, and the chance to grow your portfolio. We offer three different levels of membership—Informational, Limited, and Full—so that everyone can enjoy the exceptional benefits the Network offers.
At any level of membership, members are able to participate in all quick polls! Sign-up today!
Contribute to furthering dental research! Fill out a Quick Poll today!
If you are a dentist, dental hygienist, dental therapist, researcher, teacher, or student consider joining the network and fill out and learn from quick polls. Be at the forefront of dental studies and networking within the dental community by joining the Network.
To learn more about how to become a member of the National Dental PBRN, click here.