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Structure, function, and productivity from the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network

Since its inception in 2005, the network has conducted numerous studies investigating a broad range of clinical topics. In addition to more than 700,000 patients who contributed dental records data, more than 70,000 patients and almost 20,000 practitioners participated in the studies.

Peer-reviewed scientific journal articles are the main way to disseminate the results to academic and practicing dental professionals. Our studies have appeared in 167 publications from 62 different journals between 2006 and 2020. An iCite analysis done in March 2022 revealed a median RCR of 1.40, which demonstrates that the network’s publications have had a greater-than-average influence in their fields. Learn more about what the RCR means and the dissemination efforts of the network in this article recently published by the network. [Read more]

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