Publication Policy for the studies done in the period 2020-2026
Download the publication policy document.
For questions regarding the Publications and Presentation Committee, please contact Dr. Brad Rindal (Committee Chair) at [email protected] and our staff at [email protected]
Policies on Data Analysis, Publications, and Presentations for studies done in the period 2005-2019
National Dental PBRN Data Analysis, Publications, and Presentations Policies. The first version of these policies (more than 90% of the current document) was approved in December 2006.
- Appendix A: Network Data Use & Manuscript Proposal Form
- Appendix B: Confidentiality Agreement & Compliance with Standardized Network Policies
- Appendix C: Process to Identify Practitioners & Network Staff for Manuscripts
- Appendix D: Checklist for Submission to the P&P Committee
- Appendix E: Network Style Guide
- Appendix F: Poster Style Guide
What is “The National Dental PBRN Collaborative Group”?
The National Dental PBRN Collaborative Group is the collective author on National Dental PBRN publications that comprises co-authors who have had a significant role in the work. All National Dental PBRN practitioner, faculty, and staff personnel involved with data collection, study design, field testing or other significant aspects of the study, and who are not a named author, are acknowledged collectively as the last author the “National Dental PBRN Collaborative Group”. The use of “collective author” or “corporate author” investigator groups is widely accepted. For example, if one goes to PubMed at and selects “Author – Corporate” in the “Search Field Tags” pull-down menu, and then searches for the terms [Study Group[Corporate Author] OR Investigator Group[Corporate Author] OR Collaborative Group[Corporate Author]] as the named author in the Search field at the top of the page, then one will identify thousands of publications from a wide range of journals and scientific disciplines.
Policies on Data Analysis, Publications, and Presentations for the studies done in the period of 2005-2019
National Dental PBRN Data Analysis, Publications, and Presentations Policies. The first version of these policies (more than 90% of the current document) was approved in December 2006.
- Appendix A: Network Data Use & Manuscript Proposal Form
- Appendix B: Confidentiality Agreement & Compliance with Standardized Network Policies
- Appendix C: Process to Identify Practitioners & Network Staff for Manuscripts
- Appendix D: Checklist for Submission to the P&P Committee
- Appendix E: Network Style Guide
- Appendix F: Poster Style Guide
What is “The National Dental PBRN Collaborative Group”?
The National Dental PBRN Collaborative Group is the collective author on National Dental PBRN publications that comprises co-authors who have had a significant role in the work. All National Dental PBRN practitioner, faculty, and staff personnel involved with data collection, study design, field testing or other significant aspects of the study, and who are not a named author, are acknowledged collectively as the last author the “National Dental PBRN Collaborative Group”. The use of “collective author” or “corporate author” investigator groups is widely accepted. For example, if one goes to PubMed at and selects “Author – Corporate” in the “Search Field Tags” pull-down menu, and then searches for the terms [Study Group[Corporate Author] OR Investigator Group[Corporate Author] OR Collaborative Group[Corporate Author]] as the named author in the Search field at the top of the page, then one will identify thousands of publications from a wide range of journals and scientific disciplines.